Friendship Christian Schools

Friendship Christian Schools exists to aid parents in fulfilling the Biblical mandate to bring up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord through the education of the whole person, including the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of life.

Friendship Christian Schools is a ministry of Friendship Bible Church, which is an independent Baptist church. The school's purpose is to strengthen Christian students through spiritual and academic training so that they will be better able to serve the Lord. The goal for Friendship's students is that they are a godly influence. The entire ministry at Friendship is dedicated to the objective of developing every area of the students' lives.

Cold Water Bottle Fountain

Water bottles need to be filled, and our current drinking fountain situation does not work well. We are raising funds to install one drinking fountain that doubles as a water bottle filling station on...

$1,525 Raised ($3,500 Goal)

44% of Goal Campaign Ended
Campaign Ended

Friendship Christian Schools and its various programs are ministries sponsored by Friendship Bible Church and are, therefore, dedicated to spiritual principles. This means, of course, that our programs will not only be involved in advancing the children in various areas of education but also in enlarging their understanding of their Creator and His desire for their lives.

We believe it is critical that children come to understand the love of Jesus and the basic principles of the Holy Scriptures. This will help them become people of integrity, productive in society, living lives honoring God first and then serving those around them. Our spiritually-centered program, coupled with proper nurturing and discipline at home, will produce the character that every parent hopes to see in his child as well as that which brings glory to God.

Our goal for our students and graduates is that they be godly influences by their lives and conduct. The entire staff of Friendship Christian Schools is dedicated to developing every area of the students' lives so they might be effective servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.